Monday, March 21, 2011

Why are the Easiest the Hardest

Okay, will someone please tell me why, when it comes to what food I put in my mouth I seem to continually make the WRONG choices. It seem that I am pretty good for a little while but in the end I seem to go right back to the wrong stuff. I want to eat healthy and really it isn't all that hard to do, but I keep making the choice to put that bag of chips in my belly instead of that apple. I don't really have much weight to loose it mostly a "feel better about myself kind of thing" but for me, at this age, I am really having a hard time sticking to the right choices. I bought a new diet book "The 17 day diet" There are four different levels with each one having different foods so that a person doesn't get bored And each level lasts 17 days . The author says that a person can stand anything for 17 days. Well he hasn't met me. I made a choice that I was really going to do this and it has been just two days and I am already making the choice to start again day after tomorrow. What a weakling. The bad thing about the whole thing is while I am eating the wrong stuff I will sit there and point out to myself that I am putting things that are off limits into my mouth, but it always tastes so good. What to do, what to do. Somewhere I have to find some determination(I used to have an abundance of the stuff) and make my good choices stick. I have to I am down to two pair of pants that fit, and I am not going to buy any more. That is this weeks major choice. Choose to eat what I am supposed to. (Guess I better hide the chips)

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