Our house has had a rough week. We have been really busy with things, Dad has had his end of the year FFA banquet and I have ended up working almost everyday. I also had to get my application in for the full time job I am going to be getting.( choice to send out positive thoughts) So it has been a bit crazy. Then on top of all of that, Dad was notified that his job was going to be cut to a half time job. This would mean that he would not get any health insurance or retirement paid into the system. Not the kind of news a person wants to hear, especially when jobs are so few and far between. We still can't figure out what people have against dad or FFA program, but it is hard to keep up your spirits when we have had to have this fight EVERY year. It just makes a person tired.
Here is where the CHOICE part comes into play. We all have bad things happen to us and like I have said before what we do with our attitude during these times is the real test of a person. I read a story a long time ago in one of those "Chicken Soup for The Soul" books. It tells about a couple who had been away for Christmas. They had driven all day to get home and had arrived late at night. Instead of unloading the car right then, they had decided to just go in the house and get some sleep. When they got up the next morning they looked out the window and saw that their car had been stolen, with all their Christmas presents still in the car. Now the wife was really upset and was ranting and raving around. The husband, just looked out the window, walked into the kitchen for breakfast and then went to get ready for work. Now that really made the wife mad. When she accused her husband of not caring he simply asked if her getting mad brought their stuff back. That comment made her stop and take a breath. He went on to say that he was going to call the police and report the theft and then call their insurance agent, but him getting upset was not going to make the car come back. If he got upset all it would do would ruin his day and he CHOSE not to have his day ruined.
I love this story, and every time I have been tempted to get upset or let hate and anger take over my life because of a situation ,I think about this story. So, even tho I don't like what people have done to my husband, and I don't like the stress they have put us under. I won't let them make choices for me. I choose to try and find a solution, to not dwell on their pettiness. To look at every positive option and work on those things that will get me to a positive solution. I hope I can help Dad find this Choice in his life. We have lived through this same scenario before and it wasn't pretty, I hope that I can be positive enough for the both of us until he can get a handle on his emotions and make the positive Choices I know he will eventually make.
I am sending as many positive thoughts as I can your way. I love you so much and I hope that things will turn around for Dad. What job are you taking?