Sunday, January 23, 2011


You know what I really hate about making choices? It is the fact that we have to be accountable for those choices. Now granted sometimes the only person that we have to be accountable to is ourselves. I know I tend to let myself off the hook way to many times. So maybe I need to fool myself into thinking that I will be letting a whole bunch of people down when I don't follow through with my choices. I am either too easy on myself or I tend to blame others when I don't follow through. Just like my exercising. I have done pretty good with the sit ups and stuff but I haven't done so well with the elliptical. See Dad is having trouble sleeping so he has been ending up in the chair by morning and I surely don't want to wake him up so I don't use the elliptical.( I could use it after he goes to work, but it seems that if I don't get it done first thing it doesn't happen.) So if I am out of shape it is all Dads fault, it is not the fact that I have made the choice to blame him, thus giving myself an out. I have found that the weather, my health, my kids, my grandchildren, my mom, or a million other things are just too easy to blame. That being said, I am making the choice to hold myself accountable, and not let myself off the hook. Maybe I need the good old reward system implemented. So many days of exercise will get me a movie night or something. That might work.
Now for a progress report on some of my choices so far. Getting up in the morning, and getting ready for my day is going great. Exercising, well I have already admitted that it should be going better. My knitting is going great. I overcame my fear of making knitted lace, and have completed two knitted lace doilies.
I have a question, can anyone tell me what Choices, Goals and Habits have in common.


  1. oooo....that is a great question! I think they all have a lot to do with one another. Goals are usually always associated with aspiring to do something better or to do it more often. Things become habit when we do something so many times that we don't have to try as hard (good and bad). We have to choose to make goals and make things become habit...well, everything we do every single day is a result of a choice we have made.
    I don't know if what I just wrote makes sense, or not...but that's my take on it. ;)

  2. I agree with Haley. We choose to make a goal so that it will become a habit so that we don't keep having to make that choice>

  3. Evan has been telling me for some time that all goals have to have some kind of accountability. We have to keep each other accountable and keep ourselves accountable too. Maybe we can set up a schedule to call each other every so often and ask about how our goals are going and keep each other accountable.
